Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

Alumni Spotlight: From UCLA to Penglai's Flourishing Vineyards

Written by Concordia Shanghai | Oct 27, 2023 2:20:34 AM

Originally from Hong Kong, China, Arthur Yeung grew up in Shanghai. He joined Concordia in high school and later attended university at UCLA. While engineering was his initial field of choice, he found himself veering onto a different path. After earning his degree, Arthur explored various career opportunities, eventually finding his calling in Qiushan Valley, Penglai — a significant wine-producing region in China’s eastern Shandong province. 

Arthur Yeung
CEO at Runaway Cow Winery 
Concordia Shanghai Class of 2011 
UCLA Class of 2016 
Fudan University EMBA

College was a turning point for him, as this was the time when he gravitated towards winemaking. Upon completing his studies, Arthur returned to China, driven by a dream. He initiated a vineyard in Shandong Province’s Penglai district. What started with a handful of vines soon expanded into a full-fledged winery tourism venture, simultaneously boosting the reputation of the local wine industry and playing a pivotal role in the local community’s revitalization.      

Passion in Entrepreneurship & Service

Arthur’s entrepreneurial passion and unwavering commitment to social service stand out, painting the picture of a man grounded in both his roots and his ambitions. 

Arthur was never one to shy away from getting his hands dirty. He delved deeply into every facet of his vineyard, from the very soil to the intricate art of winemaking. “Building a project from scratch was a tough but rewarding process,” Arthur recalls. “From construction to agriculture to winemaking to brand building, I was exposed to a wide array of fields and learned something new every step of the way.” 

Arthur’s dedication to service and community engagement can be traced back to his high school days when he led the first year of NAHS (National Art Honor Society) at Concordia as a junior. This early experience laid the foundation for his subsequent entrepreneurial endeavors. This foundational experience underscored the parallels between fostering an organization and cultivating a business from scratch. 

In just a few years, the Runaway Cow Winery under Arthur’s management has etched its name as a prominent brand in Penglai, recognized by Shandong Province as a Demonstration Base for Industrial Tourism. His vineyards and hospitality operations have created employment opportunities for hundreds of villagers in the local community and helped transform the Mulangou Village, where the vineyard is located, into an exemplary cultural village.   

Arthur’s ethos of service extends beyond business. He has been actively involved in outreach initiatives to benefit area families in need and collaborates with equestrian farms to use ponies in animal-assisted therapy for children with autism.   

His heightened social consciousness has its roots in his high school experiences, particularly influenced by Concordia’s Interim (today known as TrIBES) trips and the YEP program.     

The Quest for the Best Path

In a heartwarming homecoming, Arthur returned to Concordia to share insights during the High School Career Day in 2019. His counsel to the students was straightforward yet resonant: “Explore and experience as much as you can. Expose yourself to different fields of studies and different industries. Force yourself out of your comfort zone and you might surprise yourself.”  

Reflecting on his own high school journey, an internship after Career Day provided Arthur with clarity—it made him realize automotive design wasn’t his true calling, a discovery invaluable for his career evolution.


Arthur’s journey underscores a vital life lesson: Sometimes, it’s the unexpected detours that lead us to our destination. As Arthur wisely states, “Finding out what didn’t work for me along the way really helped me narrow my focus and eventually brought me to where I am now.”