Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

Concordia Students Excel: Model UN Simulation in Shanghai

Written by Concordia Shanghai | Oct 27, 2023 12:21:12 AM

Concordia's Model United Nations (MUN) is a vibrant extracurricular activity where students take on the roles of ambassadors from UN member states. Through thorough research, persuasive speeches, dynamic debates, and teamwork, the MUN experience cultivates a deep sense of global citizenship in our students.

Recently, our MUN team joined 450 students from all over China for a three-day large-scale diplomacy simulation in Shanghai. 

Our Standout Participants

The event saw participation from Harold L., Adam S., Siyeon K., Minseo K., Stephen J., Hanwon K., Max W., Roland C., Angela X., and Cloris L. Special mentions go to Adam S. (Grade 11) and Roland C. (Grade 10) who earned the title of Outstanding Delegates. If you come across them, do congratulate them for their remarkable achievement and for representing our school with distinction at the MUN! 

Real-World Issues, Real-World Solutions

During the simulation, students acted as delegates from various countries, diving deep into real-world issues while echoing the policies and viewpoints of their respective countries. Some of the pressing topics discussed included nuclear disarmament, regulation of emerging financial technologies, and the nuances of trade policies in a globalized world. 

To ensure meaningful contributions during these discussions, our students thoroughly researched their assigned topics before the conference. They then presented their findings to the larger group and collaborated with delegates from other nations to craft well-thought-out resolutions. It’s commendable to see our students considering the broader implications while focusing on the specific proposals of each nation. These draft resolutions underwent rigorous debates, revisions, and redrafting, culminating in their presentation to the assembly's main committees. 

Beyond honing their diplomacy skills, the MUN event offered students other valuable experiences. They had the chance to hear the US Consular General Sectary share insights from his professional journey, connect with peers from other institutions, and foster deeper bonds with their Concordia teammates. 

Reflections from Student and Teacher Advisors

This was the first full-scale MUN parliamentary experience for most of our team this year. Reflecting on the event, one student remarked, “The MUN was an enriching journey of discovery, connecting with new faces and honing public speaking skills." Such engagements undoubtedly bolster self-confidence and leadership traits among our students. 

“To even the most apathetic onlooker, it is obvious that the world is currently struggling with much turmoil, discord, and distrust. Although it is easier to shrug off the big issues and to believe there is nothing one can do about them, we, Concordia’s Model United Nations (MUN) team, rose to the challenge of acknowledging, discussing, and debating several difficult issues of our day,” share Ms. Vanessa Vanek and Mr. Joshua Hohnholt, teacher advisors to the MUN ECA.    

Looking Ahead: CISSMUN 2024

Students will engage in other MUN events throughout the year, culminating on January 19-21, 2024, in our CISSMUN (Concordia International School Shanghai Model United Nations) event. This gathering will welcome 500 students from across Asia to the Concordia campus for a weekend of spirited diplomacy and friendship. 

Special thanks to Ms. Vanessa Vanek and Mr. Joshua Hohnholt for providing the photos.