Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

Elementary Service Club Practices Gratitude and Leadership Skills

Written by Concordia Shanghai | Nov 3, 2022 10:12:31 AM

Our Kids4Kids and Community CCA service group has been very busy this semester trying to make a difference in our community. 

Most recently, the small group of 10 students from G3&4 made "Welcome to Concordia" greeting cards for almost 50 new students to welcome them to the school. They have also made inspirational signs to hang up within the Elementary School to help keep their classmates and themselves encouraged and motivated throughout the school year.  

As the culminating project, the kids sent their gratitude to Concordia’s unsung heroes. They gave hot water bottles and tea to the school ayis and guards as a “thank you” for all of their hard work.  

“Giving things to the guards is my favorite part [of this CCA]. I learned to be grateful to the people who protect us,” shares Zoey, a Grade 4 student.  

The Kids4Kids and Community service-learning CCA was started last year by EC teacher Ms. Amy Thames. Service to others has always been a passion of hers and she enjoys sharing that passion with our younger learners. She initiated this CCA to provide students with an opportunity to carry out service projects that were thought of, planned and executed by them.   

It turns out that our students have accomplished some amazing projects since last year. Since then, students have created a teacher breakfast cart, produced a new students welcome video, put up inspirational signs around their division, created greeting cards for new students, and distributed appreciation gifts to the school ayis and guards.  

The CCA of 10-20 students meet once a week to plan and brainstorm with their peer ideas to serve others. Then they work together to organize and execute those plans. Students have the opportunity to serve on more than one term; this helps, as they become the leaders of their consecutive term. Each term, a new group of students brings different strengths and qualities to the club. 

Focusing on the act of service and showing gratitude to others has had a positive impact on the club members, helping them to expand their minds and their hearts over the past year. According to Ms. Thames, students have matured during this time, and they’ve become more mindful of others, including their peers, teachers, and service staff who add value to our community. 

Concordia has a rich history of giving back to others.Service gives us that opportunity to extend, nurture, and develop those values of gratitude, kindness, and thankfulness. I am very happy to be in a school that values service learning as much as I do,” says Ms. Thames.