Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

How good teachers impact student success

Written by Concordia Shanghai | Dec 4, 2022 9:04:00 PM

At Concordia International School Shanghai, we believe that deeper learning can be mastered and maintained through effective teaching. When we say effective teaching, we mean the type of teaching designed to play a positive role in providing students with meaningful learning experiences that build on previous learning, and actively guide them in acquiring complex skills, gradually resulting in student self-regulation and autonomy.

We understand the role teachers play in student success and the far-reaching impact they can have on the whole student; their emotional skills, social skills, self-esteem, attitude towards learning and school, and more. This impact is especially consequential as universities are no longer impressed by just good grades; here’s how to impress college admissions with a balanced application.

At Concordia Shanghai, we welcome world-class educators to impact students with high-quality educational experiences that enhance knowledge and skills. These seasoned teachers are experts in their field, and serve as guides for our students on the road to success. Our teachers cultivate exceptional learning opportunities that impact students to reach their full potential.

How positive student-teacher relationships impact students

Good teachers impact student success by investing effort in getting to know them and learning how to work with them to strengthen their connection to the subject matter and their overall learning. Teachers taking responsibility for the individual needs of their students is an essential development in the delivery of education and goes to show how the old formula for student success doesn’t work anymore.

Studies have shown that an assured teacher-student relationship can play a key role in achieving academic success. When students view their teacher as a source of support, they are more predisposed to learning. Teachers also register that when students experience a sense of support from them, they are more likely to engage in school-related activities, helping them thrive in an international school.

Positive teacher-student relationships provide students with the emotional support they need to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities at school, and influence students to have a positive outlook toward school and learning.

At Concordia International School Shanghai, our teachers partner with students and parents to ensure that strategies and accommodations are in place to impact student success. We do these through a wide range of activities, such as back-to-school nights, which take place at the start of each new school year to give parents a chance to meet with faculty and learn more about the school life of their students. Twice a year, the school also conducts three-way conferences between parents, students, and teachers as a way for all three to share and discuss student progress and strategies for learning. 

There are also fun and engaging activities that help to build community and school involvement, such as Student vs Staff games, Homecoming, Phoenix Friday sports nights, which often involves the Parent Support Organization (PSO), which helps foster parent engagement, enhance student experience, encourage school spirit and ensures that parents continue to play a vital role in the school community.

Good teachers impact the development of the whole student beyond grades

While the primary role of every teacher is to instill in students an understanding of the subject matter, good teachers impact students beyond helping them score good grades; they impact the development of their identity and other essential life skills.

Through positive and responsive communication, teachers play a key role in building confidence in their students and helping them understand the value they can receive from their education. These practices further impact student motivation and other abilities like adapting to new situations. It also informs parents of the ways in which they can play a role in the holistic development of their children.

In fact, studies have shown that the brain’s capacity to develop is optimal when students feel physically and emotionally safe while being engaged and challenged in the classroom. By nurturing the potential, good teachers help students develop good manners, behaviors, and other essential skills like responsibility and accountability that have far-reaching benefits in their adult life.

At Concordia International School Shanghai, teachers nurture the development of the whole student by, for example, designing assignments that require the utilization of additional skills such as teamwork, leadership, or accountability.

Good teachers maintain nurturing learning environments to impact student success

Good teachers are aware of their role in their students' lives and focus on establishing nurturing learning environments where every student is given equal opportunities to succeed. Instead of feeling inferior, students that may be struggling are encouraged to ask questions and receive the appropriate support; students are impacted with positive learning experiences and receive the benefits of a value-based education like Concordia International School Shanghai.

Supportive and positive learning environments where teachers maintain good communication and relationships with their students allow for more profound learning experiences. Students feel safe to explore and express their needs and identity, which fosters their growth and positively impacts them academically, mentally, and physically.

At Concordia International School Shanghai , our teachers understand the skills and knowledge students need not just for university matriculation but to help them attain a successful future. 

By keeping our students’ goals and well-being as top priorities, our teachers play a role in delivering deeper learning of the subject matter and help students pick up essential life skills such as problem-solving and collaboration to help them develop into contributing members of society.