This spring, Concordia students, led by high school teacher Dr. Peter Tong, participated in their third big data conference of the school year. However, this one was unique in that it was the very first big data conference and workshop organized by students for students. Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

For this week's Road to College, we meet a student whose scientific interests are as numerous as his college acceptances. It seems, however, he has narrowed his choices to a major and a school that he feels will fit him best. Read More

Through our investigation of various zoo animals, the children learned about where different animals may be typically found ...and what conditions / habitats that they may prefer to live in. Read More

Kelso's Choices is our chosen ES conflict-management curriculum for students that teaches problem-solving strategies; thus, students can ultimately be self-directed and learn how to solve smaller problems independently. Read More

STEM is an educational approach that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Children learn to explore, observe, ask questions, predict, and integrate their learning through STEM. Read More

Last year, Concordia students in Dr. Peter Tong’s high school Honors Pre-Calculus class were tasked tocreate an infographic summarizing one of the chapters theyhad been studying. Read More

Math has always been a subject that attracts much attention from parents. They want to know: How and what are students learning in math class? What materials are they using? How do webest foster student interest in math and STEM? Read More

It has been said that the best gifts come in small packages, and this is certainly true about the art of poetry. Poetry is a powerful form of expression that is often underestimated as a tool for language development. The power lies not only in the meaning that is captured within but also in the way words are chosen and carefully arranged to convey the message. Read More

Providing multi-sensory, hands-on activities is key to building language and literacy skills in the early years. Reading alphabet books, singing the alphabet song and even letting young children play with computer keyboards will ensure children get plenty of practice identifying letters to prepare them for writing and de-coding later on. Read More

For this week’s Road to College, we hear from a student whose passion for the written word hasbeen a mainstay throughout her high school career and the driving force behind her best-fit college choice. Read More

Sequencing is an important skill for developing critical thinking, reading comprehension and scientific inquiry. Algorithms and computer programing are presented as sequenced patterns, in a specific correct order, no number or instruction can be skipped. Read More

In this Road to College installment, we hear from a student with eclectic interests. With preoccupations that range from conducting his own scientific research and writing computer programs to thinking up literary puns and weightlifting, it's a good thing his college of choice has so many options to fit his wide-ranging passions. Read More

The leap from eighth grade to ninth grade marks a turning point in a student’s school career. Therefore, it is understandable that eighth graders and their parents would view the occasion with a great deal of excitement as well as a bit of apprehension. Read More

Parents are key partners to support their children as they grow and develop as readers. The reading journey begins from the time parents spend reading to their children, reading with their children, talking about books, and experiencing the joy of a good book. Read More

Most parents are aware of Concordia's academic achievements, but did you know that Concordia also has an excellent track records in athletics? In fact, athletics are enshrined in Concordia's mission statement and are considered to be co-curricular, as opposed to extra-curricular. Read More

This week our Road to College series continues with a student who has shown a proclivity for helping others improve all aspects of their well-being. Through an active involvement insocial sciences courses, a well-rounded array of co-curricular activities and a passion project focusing on sustainable success, this student has truly come to embodywhat it means to be an active global citizen. Read More

How many times has your child asked you this question: "Mom and Dad, may we please get a dog?" Has your child asked repeatedly for a pet? Research shows that children who have owned and raised a pet, develop stronger skills in maintaining meaningful relationships throughout life. Read More

International Women’s Day, held on March 8, has been a day dedicated to celebrating and advocating for women’s rights and equality for over a century. In keeping with this tradition, members of the Lily Project, a Concordia student-led organization dedicated to empowering women and girls and working towards gender equality, marked the occasion with a photo shoot focusing on this year’s official IWD campaign theme, #ChoosetoChallenge. Read More