Winter break is a great time for students to relax, enjoy some freedom, and spend time with family and friends. However, keeping students busy, engaged and energized during this time requires some creative thinking and planning. Below you will find a few tips for keeping young minds active and learning during this holiday season. Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

Have you ever dreamed of being in a Broadway musical? Amazingly, that happened to me! Would you like to hear about it? Read More

We all want to be heard and understood. Knowing that others are taking the time to actively listen to us helps build stronger bonds and more positive relationships with those around us. This rings especially true for young children, so it is important for parents to talk and listen to their child. Read More

Given the physical size and population of China, the development of a modern healthcare system has been a long process. Understandably, that process has involved both progress and setbacks as new phases of development have been implemented. Read More

Shanghai’s historical evolution from a sleepy fishing and textile port on the Yangtze Delta to a fully fledged world-class city has been formed by lucrative Chinese-Western trading relationships, cheap and plentiful labor from rural areas and the city’s relative peace compared with the rest of China in the 19th and 20th centuries. Read More

Situated between the Inner and Outer Ring Roads on both the north and south sides of Yan An Elevated Road is the Hongqiao area of Shanghai. The area is primarily residential and made up of villa compounds, low-rise apartments and sprinklings of high rise buildings. With the opening of the Hongqiao Transportation Hub – the world’s largest - a few years ago and the development of the adjoining Hongqiao CBD area, the pace of life in Hongqiao’s busy... Read More

Raise your hand if you are a high school student who has completed “service hours” in the recent past. Did you complete them for eligibility reasons, because they’re highly encouraged, to build your resume, or because… it was necessary to make you look good for your prom-posal? Read More

While Shanghai has a lot to offer within the confines of the city proper, there are a number of great places to visit not far from the city. With the opening of the high-speed rail system, nearby cities that would normally require an overnight stay can now be reached with ease providing residents of Shanghai even more options for weekend getaways. Read More

Food safety is an issue regardless of what country you live in. The ongoing and intense global debate over genetically modified food (GMO) and the unknown impact those foods are having on the long-term health of humans is a prime example. These genetic modifications are often intended to increase productivity by changing the characteristics of a plant or animal so that they become stronger in some way. That new strength could mean higher yields... Read More

In the months prior to actually making the big move to Shanghai, you may have the opportunity to visit the city for a look-see trip. These trips are usually brief – a week or less – because employment obligations usually don’t allow for more. The primary objective of the look-see trip is to choose a school and accommodation and due to the limited amount of time allowed for the trip, the process is usually a bit frantic. Read More

There are countless studies showing the cognitive benefits of studying music, especially at an early age, when the brain is still developing. There are also benefits from participating in school music ensembles throughout the primary and secondary years of academic study. Read More

If it’s a clear day, whether you are flying into either of Shanghai’s Pudong or Hongqiao International airports, you will be able to see the scale of development of the Yangtze River Delta that extends from the shore of the Pacific Ocean inward as far as the eye can see. Land is put to use without exception in this part of the world. From the ground much of what is happening in terms of development is hidden behind tree lines and fences except... Read More

Whether you have brought your beloved pets with you to China or adopted them locally, it’s never too early to learn about exit requirements to ensure a smooth departure when preparing to take your pets with you when you leave China. Read More

There are dos and don’ts for most things in most countries and for travel in China the dos and don’ts are particularly important. These rules apply equally to expats traveling to China from another part of Asia and also to those traveling from within China. Read More

Concordia International School Shanghai will host the 2nd Annual Concordia Fall University Fair (CFUF), an event that gives high school students in Shanghai access to college reps from top universities around the globe. Last year over 125 universities attended. Below, are some of the unique features of the new fall fair and some advice to students on how to best prepare for their encounter with representatives from prospective universities. Read More

WHICH UNIVERSITY ARE YOU PLANNING TO ATTEND AND WHAT INFLUENCED YOUR CHOICE? I am attending Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. This choice was mostly influenced by the location. I have lots of family nearby and am very familiar with the school. Read More

Life is fundamentally relational. This understanding is key to the teaching profession. The first priority we K-12 teachers have is to establish a positive relationship with all of our students. Our challenge is to prepare our students for a life of learning, growth, and collaboration in both formal and informal settings. We seek to guide our charges toward success while becoming insightful and conscientious citizens of the world. To accomplish... Read More

An old African proverb states that “it takes a village to raise a child.” It has also been argued in more recent times that “it takes a family to raise a child.” But in the school environment, where we focus on education, what does it take? In reflecting on my experiences at Concordia International School Shanghai, I believe the answer is clear- it takes a community to educate a child. Read More