The sound of people cheering can mean many different things. But this noise has a different meaning for student athletes. Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

At the beginning of each school year, Concordia students are reminded how important it is to use their imagination. If you don’t use it – you lose it! Read More

Learning to do things independently is a big deal for all children. Being independent and knowing how to do things without the help of a grown up develops confidence in young children. Read More

Over the summer, Shreyas S. & Marcus C., two extremely bright and intrepid middle school students at Concordia Shanghai, made their way to the R&D headquarters of Da-Jiang Innovations (DJI) in Shenzhen, China. Read More

As we are gearing up for a new school year, there are strategies that we parents can use to help our children transition seamlessly back into the school routine. Read More

Internships are a valuable feature of Concordia’s high school experience as they introduce students to the working world while helping them build self-confidence and cultivate relationships with professionals who provide insight into a particular field. Read More

This year’s class of 2021 received an incredible 53 admission offers from 19 top universities in the UK. This represents a 378% increase in UK admits compared to Concordia’s class of 2020. Eleven of the 19 universities were also in the “Russell Group”. This group of universities represents many of the top research universities in the UK. Read More

This past Saturday, our senior class convened in front an audience of teachers, family and friends to take part in one of life’s most anticipated rites of passage. Read More

Graduating senior Amy Lin was elected by her peers to deliver the senior address at this year's Concordia High School graduation ceremony. Here is her speech in its entirety. Read More

The commencement address at this year's graduation was delivered by Concordia Shanghai high school teacher Erik Paulson. Mr. Paulson was chosen by the senior class for this honor. Here is his speech in its entirety. Read More

At the May PSO meeting earlier this month, we heard from two seniors, Lillian Fu and Anita Feng. Their presentation was around types of motivation and the “do’s” and “don'ts” of motivating your student to succeed. Read More

Concordia’s students are well prepared for competitive college admissions as they challenge themselves with the rigorous courses and unique co-curriculars offered within our high school program. However, this year was a year like no other, and college admissions became more competitive than anyone was expecting. Read More

Our AP Art & Design culminates in each student completing an art portfolio which demonstrates their exploration of the concept of 2D design and Drawing. Students engage in purposeful decision making about how the elements and the principles of art and design are intentionally used in their artwork in an integrative way. Read More

In Concordia’s Applied Learning Storytelling Agency class, students explored the art of storytelling and its ability to build empathy through advocacy. Additionally, students worked with a variety of storytelling course partners to create stories that fostered compassion and awareness within the Concordia community and beyond Read More

Our spring CCA offerings have been quite popular among our students this spring. Today, we would like to highlight some of the STEM-related activities that our ES students have been taking part in so far this semester. And judging from these photos, they have been having a lot of fun exploring different activities related to science, tech, engineering and math! Read More

Battle of the Books is an American Schools Reading Challenge which began in the 1930s in Chicago but slowly gained popularity and is now played, not only all over the US but also in international schools, world wide. Read More

In Guatemala, the birthplace of the Mayan civilization, there stood a little village situated next to Atitlán lake, one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. It was the village of Santa Catarina Palopó and it was a collection of cold, grey buildings that faded dully into its surroundings. Read More

Reflective Spiritual Beings, also known as RSB, is a subject that is taught and valued at Concordia. In elementary school, RSB is taught as part of the weekly schedule, part of community time, and also woven into other subject areas. Read More