Following the success of the ECxHS Zine Project (a collaborative art project between early childhood and high school students), the news of EC art specialist, Stephanie Barenz-Wiegman's, zines spread to the middle school, where Weigman was asked to inform grade seven students how to create their own zines for an upcoming social justice project. Below, she recounts her involvement in this new zine project. Zines have a rich history in social... Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

For those with even small amounts entrepreneurial tendencies, moving to China will be fascinating. After that initial fascination wears off a bit and you have a moment to ponder what you are looking at on the street everyday in terms of business, it will change into an intense curiosity about the system and where opportunities may lie. Many expats choose to open a business in China and find it a rewarding experience. Those who consider their... Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN BAND/MUSIC? Some of the most memorable moments for me include the last rehearsals of the HS Spring Musical “The Wizard of Oz”, eyes looking between the music in front of me and friends on the stage below me, fingers adjusting their movement on the keys to the rhythm of the singers and dancers, and ears listening intently to what was the bitter sweet end of months of... Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN CHOIR/FINE ARTS? The most memorable moments at Concordia in choir were going to APAC and connecting with people from around Asia who all had similar interests in singing and choir. I also loved going to New York with Chamber Strings and Jazz Band and being able to share our music with people outside our community in Shanghai. Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN CHOIR/FINE ARTS? Some of my most memorable experiences in choir were the Pop Concerts (especially the Les Mis Medley), APAC, and the NYC Tour! All of the travel and extra practices were where we really bonded as a group and had time to get to know one another. It was also really exciting to see what other groups prepared for concerts and APAC, whether it be the... Read More

Concordia International School Shanghai has been granted the Excellent Organization Award in the 10th Annual Pudong New Area International Student Writing Competition Award Ceremony. Read More

The "big kids” are often a mystery to a school's youngest learners. Since they spend their time in a different area of the campus and come and go with such independence, younger students usually only encounter them in passing and typically with a sense of awe and apprehension. Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN CHOIR/FINE ARTS? My most memorable and impactful moment at Concordia in Choir was the NYC Tour with Chamber Singers. If it weren't for the wonderful opportunities and experiences that Concordia offers, I would never have had such an incomparable experience. With Mrs. Ideker’s passionate support, we were able to send an audition video and join the event. Many schools from... Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN CHOIR/FINE ARTS? Concerts, APAC, NYC Tour, Singing Valentines, Musicals, etc. A few moments or classes that really stuck out for me were the APAC Choir conferences, especially building relationships and getting to know students from other schools, as well as the general choir events like the concerts and singing valentines. I think the Chamber singers always had a close... Read More

To be in your children’s memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today. - Barbara Johnson Read More

Recently, students in Concordia’s Social Entrepreneurship class participated in a lively discussion about cleaning products. During their conversation, students would periodically scribble ideas on Post-it notes and place them on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. Before long the board was covered with bright yellow and pink post-its. To the casual observer, teenagers discussing home care products might seem unusual, but for this... Read More

Last Friday, the elementary school welcomed in some new teachers, assistant principal, and principal for the day. These teachers were professional, well prepared and took their responsibilities very seriously. It was a day filled with new experiences, some challenges and plenty of learning. Read More

Once you have your bearings, how you get around Shanghai will depend much on whether or not you have a family driver, which part of the city you live in and where you are traveling. Read More

In this article, Concordia Shanghai early childhood teacher and parent educator Anne Gribble shares effective ways to help your child build healthy social skills and a positive sense of self. Every human needs food, water, and shelter to survive physically. Likewise, every human has two basic emotional needs that must be met as well: the need to be an individual, and the need to be social. When these two emotional needs are well met, a person... Read More

I think some of the most memorable and impactful moments in Choir/Fine arts would probably be the musicals and AMIS. The musicals were such a significant part of my life throughout high school due to my continuous dedication towards the theatre program. Learning and growing as a singer in musical theatre truly helped me develop my singing skills and learn about the differences between a musical theatre actress and a regular actress. Even though... Read More

Back in the 2018 fall semester, grade one students at Concordia embarked on a scientific study of sound, which had them exploring these essential questions: What makes sound? How does it travel? And how is it used to communicate over a distance? Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN CHOIR/FINE ARTS? All of the events we went on, whether APAC, NYC, or anything else made a tremendous impact on my development both as a more confident individual and a musically inspired student. Whether it was the experiences we had singing at a church I really had the blessing (and honor) to truly see the beauty of music whether heard or even seen. Read More

China’s booming car culture has not emerged out of necessity due to a lack of public transport as is the case elsewhere. In fact, Shanghai’s public transport boasts more kilometers of track than any other city in the world at 548 - second place is Beijing at 527. Both are clean, safe and highly efficient. That said, they are crowded. So crowded that at rush hour in People’s Square in Shanghai, you would be hard pressed to find a similar visual... Read More