The 1980 musical fantasy Xanadu was not what you would call a box office success. But despite its shortcomings on the big screen, its catchy soundtrack has gone on to inspire a wildly popular musical that took Broadway by storm (an ELO thunderstorm). In January of 2019, this far-out production made its way to our very own Rittmann Theatre stage, in the form of Xanadu JR, performed by Concordia's middle school drama class. Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

Tips for long-haul travelers Moving to Shanghai is going to be an exciting and life-changing experience, not only for what the city and China have to offer, but also for what all of Asia has to offer. Choosing to live on the other side of the world puts you on the doorstep of some of the world’s greatest vacation destinations – think weekend getaways to the beaches of Thailand or shopping trips to Hong Kong and Singapore all in your time zone. Read More

In the “new media” age, we have the convenience of all manner of information and entertainment at our finger tips. For many of us it’s hard to image a time without laptops, smartphones and tablets. That rings especially true for today’s youth, who have grown up using these devices to learn, connect and play. Yet, research shows that too much time in front of their screens can have a negative impact on children’s brains and affect how they do in... Read More

The history of dogs in China goes back so far that historians can only speculate when they were first introduced, but sufficed to say it’s thousands of years. In Imperial China dogs were prized by members of the Imperial Court, specifically the Pekinese breed. Only members of the Imperial court were allowed to own Pekinese dogs and at any time there might be up to 100 of them in the Forbidden City. Read More

What to know and why it’s important to you Upon arriving in China and witnessing what, on first take, appears to be random chaos due to the large amount of humanity everywhere, most are surprised to find out that China is a highly regulated place. And as with other developed countries, people are law abiding for the most part. Developed governments seek an orderly and just society and the improvement of the lives of its citizens and regulations... Read More

For the majority of expats, the affordability of domestic help is a huge plus when moving to Asia. With labour costs being prohibitive at home, many will be experiencing the luxury of having help around the house for the first time. Read More

For many students, a break from school means way more time in front of a screen. But that screen time doesn’t have to be used entirely for computer games and social media. Here are five positive ways for students to use their screens over break. Read More

Technology is ubiquitous and touches all parts of our lives. With it we are constantly connected, more efficient and have instant access to all manner of information and convenience. Technology is especially pervasive in our schools, where, if implemented correctly, it can make the teaching and learning process more meaningful for both teachers and students. Read More

When you hear the word ‘music’, does it bring to mind a song or a particular instrument? Do you picture an album cover or see musical notation? When you see the word ‘tree’, do you think of a picture or a drawing of a tree, or recall a real tree that you used to climb as a child? I’m sure everyone who reads this will have a different answer. That is because we are all unique in how we process information. Understanding how you acquire knowledge... Read More

The holiday season is a joyous time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, and there’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit than with a lineup of spectacular Christmas events. Celebrating Christmas at Concordia is a bright and melodious affair with festive functions and student performances at every turn. Read More

Plastic is the most prolific form of waste the world has ever seen. From the depths of the Mariana Trench to the heights of Mount Everest, humans have left no place untouched by plastic. Buildups of enormous quantities of plastic bags block sewage systems and produce toxins that seep into water supplies. Eventually, these toxins can enter our bodies, leading to many bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. Read More

In this day and age teenage students face many demands in their daily lives, including school, homework, sports, hobbies, extra-curriculars, and spending time with family and friends, to name a few. With all these activities competing for space in a student’s schedule, it is sometimes difficult to maintain a healthy balance. Read More

As a school, Concordia intentionally looks for ways to extend service opportunities across disciplines and divisions, engaging students of all ages and the community at large. Service learning is an educational tool for accomplishing our Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), helping students become insightful learners, principle-centered leaders and active global citizens. Through service projects, students are exposed to authentic opportunitiesto... Read More

The Advanced Placement (AP) Program at Concordia is a rigorous academic program that offers university-level courses and exams to high school students. AP classes are completely elective; however, students who have demonstrated scholarship in prior related subjects are encouraged to consider AP classes because they offer advance-level of course work at the high school level. Read More

Language is one of the most important gifts that you give your child and by choosing Concordia, you are choosing to include English as one of those gifts. However, many parents want to know how to support their child’s English language learning. The answer is simple: Speak YOUR language with your child at home EVERYDAY! Read More

Walking through our library commons one day, I chanced upon students working together, coding and collaborating, designing new programs and applications as part of their AP Computer Science Principles course. In a video created at Concordia and posted online through the UTeach program at the University of Texas, our students share what this learning experience has meant to them. Read More

I want to share with you a bit about authentic and meaningful service. It’s something I am extremely passionate about, and it’s something I hope you will become increasingly passionate about too. And while, I cannot articulate all the numerous reasons as to why our imperative moral obligation to serve others less fortunate than ourselves in the 21st century is a non-negotiable, I can share with you these sobering statistics: Read More

Within our global community, Concordia students benefit from exposure to diverse cultures and traditions, allowing them to learn from each other through peaceful and respectful cross-cultural collaboration. Read More