Preparing students for future careers Recognizing the importance of preparing students for careers in the growing field of data analysis, Concordia International School Shanghai introduced a Big Data Analytics (BDA) course in its high school in 2014, despite there being no established teaching resources of any kind for Big Data at the high school level. A relatively new subject matter such as this, where information is rapidly evolving,... Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

To celebrate International Dot Day, our early childhood art classes focused on the “dot” by creating their very own dot café! Read More

I’ve always been a sucker for a great story. An exquisitely crafted and compelling narrative not only has the potential to impact a reader long after the last page is turned and the final word is absorbed but it can also foster authentic agency. Read More

The Coffee Business from the Ground Up During our TrIBES to Yunnan, we gained an understanding of the supply chain for Third Culture Coffee Roasters. We learned the entire process of coffee from bean to cup: picking, sorting, processing, roasting, and different brewing methods such as AeroPress and the French Press. We also conducted soil sampling to help the farmers better understand the quality of the soil their coffee is grown in. Finally,... Read More

Executive function is a set of mental skills that help you get things done. The area of the brain called the frontal lobe controls these skills. Executive function helps you manage time, pay attention, switch focus, plan and organize, remember details, and multitask. Read More

It’s only natural for children to feel anxious when saying goodbye to their parents. It can occur multiple times in the early years and sometimes even into Elementary School. It can even begin later in the school year. Some children seem to be doing just fine with transition only to experience separation anxiety a few weeks into the school year or after family time during school holidays. Read More

China’s expanding cities, vast landscapes, and evolving culture provide an ideal backdrop for Shanghai international school students to deepen their educational experience. Students participating in Concordia’s educational travel programs acquire self-knowledge, form new friendships, challenge preconceived ideas, and put the needs of others before their own, all while immersing themselves in the unique cultural aspects of their host country. Read More

The 2018-19 school year is a milestone in the history of Concordia International School Shanghai, as it marks the school’s twentieth anniversary. Over the weekend of August 24, the school community, including a number of founders and original faculty, assembled for a series of celebratory events that paid tribute to Concordia’s history and celebrated its future. Read More

The English Language Learner (ELL) program at Concordia is committed to providing students with the support they need to fully participate in the rich English learning environment we strive daily to create. One of the things that the Concordia ELL program believes strongly in is the power of continued mother tongue (also known as native or first language) development at home and its positive impact on English language development at school. Read More

Dr. Deborah Smith Johnston, a history teacher at Concordia International School Shanghai was named the 2018 James F. Harris History Teacher of the Year for the senior division. This prestigious teaching award is presented to one middle school and one high school teacher. The two winners receive $5,000 each. The award is sponsored by Dr. James F. Harris, past president of the Board of Trustees of National History Day. Read More

Both AP and IB are rigorous, high-level, academic programs,but do colleges and universities prefer one over the other? Read More

Five Concordia high school students recently traveled to the US to present their independent scientific research at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Having won in the China-wide competition in Chengdu back in February, these students earned the opportunity to present their work to a broader audience at the 69th annual ISEF in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. ISEF is the world's largest international pre-college science... Read More

Both big data and blockchain are some of the hottest buzz words around the tech world. What happens when one meets the other? At the 6th Big Data and Analytics EdCon held at Concordia International School Shanghai, Thomas Liang, partner at Hom-E Capital, shares with educators what he thinks. Read More

Over the course of the spring semester, students in the high school Applied Design class have been immersed in real-world-type design projects that had them exploring solutions to design problems around creative form and function applied to everyday items like fabrics, papers, clothing, and furnishings. The Design/Process Exhibition, on display in the Hall of Flags until the end of May, showcases student work on their four major projects this... Read More

On Tuesday evening, April 24, Concordia hosted its second Business Networking Group (BNG) happy hour at the co-working office space, WeWork, in Lujiazui. More than 40 Concordia parents joined this community event which provides working parents with opportunities to engage with members of the school community and build relationships with other professionals. “Tuesday evening’s gathering was a great experience,” says one Concordia parent who... Read More

Students from Concordia’s high school debate team recently competed in the International Public Policy Forum (IPPF), an international debate competition sponsored by the Brewer Foundation and New York University. Read More

How do our personal choices about food connect to or effect our lives and our planet? This was one of the questions that formed the basis of a recent unit of study for AP Language and Composition students at Concordia. After weeks of reading Jonathan Safran Foer's non-fiction text Eating Animals and essays and poems by Wendell Berry, the unit culminated in a field trip to a local organic farm and an organic, fair-trade chocolate factory, where... Read More

Concordia high school teacher, Dr. Deborah Johnston, was nominated for the Harris History Teacher Award by the National History Day program in China. The Harris History Teacher of the Year award is sponsored by James F. Harris and is awarded to one middle and high school teacher annually. Read More