WHICH UNIVERSITY ARE YOU PLANNING TO ATTEND AND WHAT INFLUENCED YOUR CHOICE? The University of Edinburgh, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. I chose this school because of the top-notch, direct entry veterinary medicine program. They have one of the best Exotic Animal hospitals and the Roslin Institute (where Dolly the Sheep was cloned) is right next to the teaching building as it is part of the Dick Vet School. The student support... Read More

Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN BAND/MUSIC? One of the most remarkable things about Mr. Chapman is that he definitely cares about his band members like family. No matter how difficult or early our extra practices were, year after year the core members come back and ready to do it all over again. You could feel that every moment was impactful for him, and it showed through every practice. Obviously, every... Read More

This week, we wrap up our list of tips inspired by the Love and Logic parenting course, led by our Concordia counselors. Through this course, we hope to equip parents with applicable skills that they can use with their kids which will create a happier climate at home as well as how they can maximize the potential of their kids, says ES Counselor Ben Fishman. Read More

Young children thrive on engaging in age-appropriate independence. Showing independence creates a realization of self in children;when they achieve success at tasks they are fully capable of doing, it builds grit and stamina for future challenges. Read More

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND IMPACTFUL MOMENTS AT CONCORDIA IN CHOIR/FINE ARTS? One of my greatest memories at CISS with Fine Arts was always the Pops concerts at the end of the year. Every group could see every other group perform and it was just amazing to be a part of. The following days kids would talk about how much fun it was or how good something sounded. It really felt like a community and we were brought closer together... Read More

Jing'an If you were asked to name the the pulsing retail center of the Chinese universe, Jing'an would be first on your lips. In the whole country, no other street is quite like Nanjing West Road. That said, the area buzzes with life and vitality. At 7.62 square kilometers it is one of Shanghai’s smallest districts and one of its most densely populated with about 40,000 people per square kilometer. One of the oldest luxury serviced apartments... Read More

We’ve all heard that parenting does not come with a manual, but that doesn’t mean mothers and fathers are on their own when it comes to improving their parenting skills. Each year Concordia hosts a parenting course designed to equip both new and seasoned parents with techniques to enhance their child-rearing repertoire. In these courses, parents explore research-based methods for building constructive relationships, managing anger and... Read More

Lujiazui was purpose-built to be the financial center of China on a small peninsula extending into the Huangpu River directly across from the old financial center of the city on the Bund. As recent as 1992, the area was a collection of factories, low-rise buildings and even some rice paddies. Read More

Last February 24, 2019, Head of School, Dr. Mary Scott hosted an alumni get together at R.A. Sushi in Tustin, California, and caught up with Concordia graduates, former faculty and families. Read More

There have been some narrow views of parenting shared by many cultures throughout history. One such notion suggests that mothers should be the nurturer and primary caregiver to children, while a father’s role in a child’s upbringing should be relegated to that of security and financial provider. However, as the centuries have progressed so too have the attitudes toward parenting and the very necessary role fatherhood plays in a child’s life. Read More

Concordia’s first ever Homecoming Week was smashing a success, with plenty of memories and connections made. Read More

While it is estimated that approximately 100 million Chinese are fluent in English, that is only about 10% of the population of China and while a fraction of those may be involved in the service or retail industry the vast majority of the people you meet in everyday life will know the word ‘hello’ and little more. This is after decades of English education in public schools and universities as well as countless sums paid in private English... Read More

For 8-10 weeks a year, Shanghai has a lovely climate. Bracketing these two 4-5 week islands is a sweltering humid subtropical climate. When it is not steamy hot in the summer it is surprisingly chilly in the winter with snow occasionally blanketing the city if only briefly. The hottest months of the year are July and August while the coldest are January and February. Local regulations limit public spaces to temperatures no lower than 26°C (78°F)... Read More

If you’ve ever traveled, you can probably relate to the excitement one feels when stepping off a plane into a new cultural landscape. Looking around, senses on high alert, adrenaline rising, we feel alive in the moment as we face the unknown. Some of my most unusual and beautiful experiences have come from my travels. Whether it was spending the night in a mud hut in the bush in Zimbabwe; watching the sun set as cowboys round up cattle on a... Read More

Early Childhood's Tuesday Tips is series of teacher-parent talks designed to help families and students find success in their early years at school and at home. In this article, teacher Anne Gribble shares advice with parents on how to leave the park or playground with no tears. Read More

Everyone’s heard culture shock referred to either in passing or in detail. Initially it’s best to understand culture shock as a natural human reaction to any challenging situation - be it physical or mental. Take any average person and place them in a challenging situation and there are three basic possible reactions: Read More

For seasoned expats that have moved from one assignment to the next, transitions become a way of life. While it may not seem like it to the uninitiated relocating for the first time, there is a method to the madness of moving your life around the world. While it is certainly advisable and useful to do research prior to visiting Shanghai so you can understand the basics that will help orient you within the city, there is simply no substitute for... Read More