Concordia Chronicle
Concordia Shanghai Newsroom

Amidst cheers from their classmates, an exciting drone race is under way. Divided into four teams, elementary students in the new Drone Academy co-curricular activity (CCA) enthusiastically compete at piloting their drones through an obstacle of circular racing gate goals. Read More

You may be hearing a lot about holistic learning and how it results in students who more deeply understand their learning, but is holistic learning really that much better than traditional learning? Read More

It’s a dream come true to land a job at a company that aligns with the things you are most passionate about. So you can imagine how exciting it must have been for sports lover Justine Huang to receive an offer from a large sportswear company, where she will be working as a data analyst. Read More

Today, we share the story of Concordia alumnus: Han Sea Kim, a medical graduate who is currently completing his military service in South Korea. Having dreamed of being a doctor since childhood, Han Sea has been looking to answer the question: What makes a good doctor? Read More

Concordia middle school student Bella S. has turned her love of baking into a philanthropic venture benefiting local migrant students. Read More

At Concordia International School Shanghai, we believe that deeper learning can be mastered and maintained through effective teaching. When we say effective teaching, we mean the type of teaching designed to play a positive role in providing students with meaningful learning experiences that build on previous learning, and actively guide them in acquiring complex skills, gradually resulting in student self-regulation and autonomy. Read More

During the fall co-curricular activities season, middle school girls in Concordia Shanghai’s Raspberry Pi 101 CCA will be exploring computer science concepts through a series of activities led by high school STEM girl Nicole Q. (Class of ’23). Read More

International schools like Concordia Shanghai have an approach to education that focuses on more than students' academic development, but also on a student’s overall development, the development of the whole child. Unlike the old formula where student success was measured almost entirely through academic performance, holistic education allows students to attain a more global vision of success, enabling them to communicate their needs... Read More

You might wonder why theatre education is a mainstay at top international schools around the world. Well, theatre addresses the life-long learning skills and competences which benefit students' education and development in countless areas. Read More

At Concordia International School Shanghai , learning is at the heart of everything we do. In our never ending pursuit of academic excellence, we’ve developed a new, 21st-century student success formula to enable our students to tackle different types of challenges now and in the future. Read More

Whether you love it, hate it, or have no clue how to do it, cooking is a necessity of life! Students in the middle school applied learning class, Storytelling Through Food, recently had the opportunity to show off their cooking skills to several teachers and staff members. Read More

Enrolling your child at an international school like Concordia Shanghai does much to prepare them for success in life. International schools are recognized for offering globally recognized curricula, a multicultural learning environment, innovative teaching methods, and more. Read More

Research has shown over and over again the importance of family engagement on children’s school readiness and academic success. In fact, this topic is so important that Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education funded a 23-year research project dedicated to studying family engagement in education and its impact on student success. Read More

Through a thorough academic program, a whole child philosophy, and a welcoming environment for both families and students, Concordia International School helps the members of our school find success in life. Read More